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Embedded insurance in a subscription economy

There is a growing trend towards subscription over full ownership. Especially in the demographic of young…
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Top Trends in Insurance 2022 eBook by Capgemini

The year 2021 was a year of transition for financial services companies, still reeling from the…
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Insurance Talks #5 – A Universal Definition of Digitalisation

For the Insurance FM podcast, Keylane interviewed Dr. Moritz Finkelnburg, member of the board of BGV…
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Configuration vs Customisation

In our previous blog, which can be found here, we discussed how frequent releases drive innovation.…
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The EU’s Artificial Intelligence proposal has arrived

According to PWC research, AI could potentially contribute to up to $15.7 trillion to the global…
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Insurance Talks #4 – The Holistic View of Data

For the Insurance FM podcast, Keylane interviewed Christof Mascher, COO and member of the Board of…
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Frequent releases drive innovation

Imagine a scenario where your competitor implements a large upgrade of their core system, and for…
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Beyond insurance: Service Administration

Traditionally, insurance providers have operated a binary service: approve or deny a claim. But today’s customers…
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Enter the millennial

They are highly educated, far more tech savvy than previous generations, less interested in ownership of…
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