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End of the Year message by Ron van den Broek

KEYLANE December 16, 2020

We leave a remarkable year behind us with the impact of COVID-19. Working from home has become the new standard. And with the use of Keylane Axon, all our clients have been able to work from home with little to no disruption.

As such, we have come to realise that Digitalisation is far more essential to our industry than even we had imagined, and I personally believe that, going forward, COVID-19 will fundamentally change our way of working. At Keylane, we were able to continue delivering our service to our clients without any serious hitches or drawbacks, and we are very proud to have achieved that.

Furthermore, Keylane’s Non-Life organisation undertook one of biggest transitions we have ever committed to, and due to COVID-19, it all took place online.

In recent years, more of our clients have made use of our full service SaaS proposition. Keylane therefore transformed its current delivery organisation into a DevOps (run) and a Project organisation (change). These changes have been made to support our clients with enhanced services. The transformation process was achieved via dynamic re-teaming, and with the support of Xebia, we appointed 10 new managers and regrouped 140 employees.

And so, as of the 1st of January 2021, Keylane will have successfully migrated from a delivery organisation into a true SaaS company.

Over the past year, we delivered our service administration as an extended functionality in Keylane Axon. In 2021, we will further enhance the service administration functionality. We will complete development of our Datamart 2, and invest in Data Lifecycle Management. We will also deliver full functionality for commercial lines and arrangements, to further enrich our functionality. After we have localised Keylane Axon for Belgium and Norway, we expect to finalise our localisation for Germany in 2021. And we will strive to bring as many clients as we can into frequent releases, where monthly upgrades are the new standard.

On behalf of Keylane, I would like to thank all of you for your continuous support and loyalty. We wish you a great time with your family and friends over the holiday period.

Happy holidays,

Ron van den Broek
Executive Director Non-Life Insurance