
Covering current and future trends in the insurance and pension industry.

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Configuration vs Customisation

In our previous blog, which can be found here, we discussed how frequent releases drive innovation.…
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The EU’s Artificial Intelligence proposal has arrived

According to PWC research, AI could potentially contribute to up to $15.7 trillion to the global…
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Insurance Talks #4 – The Holistic View of Data

For the Insurance FM podcast, Keylane interviewed Christof Mascher, COO and member of the Board of…
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Frequent releases drive innovation

Imagine a scenario where your competitor implements a large upgrade of their core system, and for…
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Beyond insurance: Service Administration

Traditionally, insurance providers have operated a binary service: approve or deny a claim. But today’s customers…
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Enter the millennial

They are highly educated, far more tech savvy than previous generations, less interested in ownership of…
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Insurance Talks #3 – Future-proofing processes in the insurance industry

For the Insurance FM podcast, Futurologist Michael Carl interviewed Dr. Gerrit Böhm, Member of the Board…
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Insurance in our post-Covid world

Covid-19 has changed our world forever. And, as hyperbolic as that statement is, it is fundamentally…
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Ecosystems in Insurance

What follows is an edited transcript of an interview we conducted with futurologist Michael Carl on…
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SaaS: Data Security and Regulatory Compliance

Software-as-a-service in the insurance industry is booming. For an insurance business to be able to deliver…
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Further information

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The insurance and pension industry is going through a period of immense disruption led by emerging technologies and the changing demands of digitally savvy policyholders. In this blog, we examine the ‘water cooler’ topics that are driving discussions throughout the industry and influencing the products and services of tomorrow.