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Digitalisation at Sampension: Optimising the interaction between automation and customer advisory

KEYLANE June 11, 2024

“Digitalisation is not about eliminating customer contact, but about achieving the optimal interplay between automation and substantive dialogue between customers and financial advisors,” emphasises CCO Christian Due, who is responsible for customer affairs at Sampension.

For many years, Sampension has been a frontrunner in engaging with customers regarding their finances based on their pension plans. At the beginning of 2024, Sampension decided to upgrade to the latest SaaS version of Keylane’s financial advisory platform, Obex, thereby extending our productive collaboration that has existed for over a decade.

When talking about pensions with customers, it is crucial that the messages are simple and clear, creating a visual understanding and making sense to the customers. Pensions are a complex topic, and the many rules, exceptions, and nuances can be challenging for customers,” says Christian Due, CCO at Sampension. He continues: “Our upgrade to Keylane Obex supports exactly this. Advisors can present simple graphs and tables to customers, and if specific areas need further elaboration, we can explore them in depth without the customer losing the overall perspective.”

The Keylane Obex platform is built as a service-based architecture, which means that Sampension can reuse all services for various purposes, such as in the app accessible to Sampension’s customers. Here, simple calculations and consequences can be displayed using the same services employed during advisory sessions.

“Obex is hosted as a service on Microsoft Azure, ensuring remarkable flexibility in building our various customer journeys and thus access to data,” explains Andreas Meier, Digital Manager at Sampension. “We find it incredibly easy to test ideas using the Sandbox in Obex before integrating them into our overall infrastructure, where we also achieve efficiency gains.”

“We are, of course, very pleased to have Sampension as a valued customer, and their way of using the Obex platform aligns perfectly with our vision: Leveraging resources to create innovative solutions and enhance the customer experience, while we maintain and keep track of the underlying calculations and rules,” says Lars Jacobsen, Director of Obex at Keylane.

The digitalisation at Sampension is an excellent example of how technology and human advisory can go hand in hand to foster a more effective and transparent customer dialogue.

More information

If you have any inquiries regarding the above mentioned or wish to learn more about our Obex platform, please feel free to contact Lars Jacobsen at

Obex makes the complex simple
Keylane Obex is a SaaS based platform that includes modules for tax calculation, wealth advisory, budget advisory, pension advisory, and senior advisory. The platform enables financial advisors to offer their customers digital advisory that provides a holistic overview of the customer’s finances now and in the future. Obex engages the customer and adds business value throughout the value chain – from increased customer satisfaction and efficiency to additional sales.