Digital transformation with the power of SaaS

The technology that can secure the future of the non-life insurance industry

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Keeping pace with an evolving industry

The non-life insurance industry is changing rapidly. Consumers today expect service to be instantaneous, experiences to be seamless, and processes to be simple. To support these customer demands, technological infrastructure should be agile, cost-effective, and easy-to-use. Businesses need to continue to be compliant and prepare well in advance for legislation updates in the future.

Being ready for that means laying strong foundations today, by embracing digitalisation and technology in the right way to reap the rewards tomorrow.

But where to start?
In this whitepaper, we discuss how the non-life insurance industry could flourish over the next few years by prioritising technology that can boost productivity and efficiencies, and give customers great end-to-end experiences.

We look at legacy versus standardisation in systems to see how digital transformation can cut slow manual processes and costly updates, and reduce time spent managing and maintaining often sluggish legacy systems. We look at the flaws in on-premise systems and the technology that can help non-life insurance companies boost their speed, agility, and flexibility, and use automation to shorten the time to market for new products and services.

And we look at how the industry can develop peace of mind when it comes to managing the risks of the regulatory and compliance issues it is constantly facing.

Unlock tomorrow
Over the next few pages, we offer a clear path forward that can help insurers transform, and keep data safe, while staying compliant. This is an opportunity for the industry to feel empowered to face the changes ahead.

More information

Ready to unlock tomorrow? Contact our team to find out more about how Keylane can help empower companies with the power of SaaS. Please send an e-mail to or complete our online contact request .

Unlock tomorrow with the powers of SaaS
The technology that can secure the future of the non-life insurance industry