Univé opts for Keylane’s policy & claims administration system
The administrative software at Univé had become outdated, and after an extensive market scan, the insurance company chose the Axon solution, from Keylane. Director Etienne de Cooker and IT manager Frank Dijkstra are very satisfied with the choice. The migration of the insurance portfolio, with dozens of products and more than a million policyholders, proceeded without any problems. The next stage will be the transition of more than one hundred thousand business policies to the new system.
A real eye-opener
The integration of the front and back office was one of the outstanding aspects of Keylane’s solutions, as far as Frank Dijkstra is concerned. “For us, as a large insurance company, it is important that any action taken by a client or an employee is visible instantly – the calculation of a premium, for example, or the creation of a new policy, or the determination of a claim amount.
Until recently, the process was not particularly smooth. We twice attempted to implement a new system, but without a successful integration of front and back office.
With Keylane, it was different, and we are very satisfied.” In 2013, Frank Dijkstra and Etienne de Cooker were involved with the implementation of Axon.
“It went incredibly quickly, and we took a massive step forward,” recalls Etienne de Cooker. “From 0 to 100 in just a few seconds, you could say. The old systems were no longer adequate; they were too inefficient and not sufficiently aligned to the online world. In terms of costs, too, things could have been better. That is why we chose Axon from Keylane. We then spent ten months behind the scenes getting everything ready in order to go live. That was a real eye-opener.”
Keylane has shown itself to be a reliable and knowledgeable partner who is keen to contribute ideas.
Simplicity and clarity
The introduction of Axon at Univé was accompanied by a standardisation of the existing products. Simplicity and clarity are the key terms here, and indeed it appears in practice that almost every customer is receiving excellent service as a result. “We are looking at every product from a different perspective,” says business engineer Renze Huitema. “Entering something into the systems just because that is what we have always done for thirty years is now a thing of the past. This is the time to put simplicity into action.”
Copyright, March 2017

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Univé is a cooperative insurance company with its head office in Assen. Unlike other insurers, Univé consists of a network of twelve autonomous regional insurers with a total of about 130 regional offices. These offices have a large degree of independence and were closely involved in the choice of a new software supplier.
“We believe in this formula, with branches close to their clients, supported by the online channel,” says IT manager Frank Dijkstra.
For more information: www.unive.nl