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Webinar: Navigating DORA contractual obligations and joint efforts for compliance

KEYLANE July 8, 2024

On the 5th of July, we hosted a webinar on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) targeted at our customers. During this session, Cor van Herk (Head of IT) and Mirella Daurer (General Counsel) shared Keylane Life & Pension’s ongoing efforts to prepare for DORA and provided our initial review of the Addendum proposed by the Pensioenfederatie/Verbond van Verzekeraars.

Our webinar included the following highlights:

  • Understanding DORA in a customer-supplier relationship
  • Our compliance strategy – Keylane Control Framework
  • Contractual obligations
  • Joint efforts

Watch the recording below for detailed insights:

More information 

Please contact your Project Services Manager at Keylane Life & Pension for more information. You can also reach out to Mirella at or Cor at